The secret garden — Chapter Eight The Robin shows the way


  "Keep practicing," said Ben. "Look, the robin is watching you. He followed you yesterday, and he"ll do it again. He wants to know what a jumping rope is."

  Mary jumped rope around the gardens for a while. Soon she decided to practice near the walls of the secret garden. She soon found that she could jump more than twenty times in a row. She was very hot, but she felt good. She looked down at the ground, and there was the robin!

  "Well, robin, you showed me the key to the garden. Now you should show me the door, but I don"t think you know where it is!" said Mary, smiling at the bird.

  The robin looked at Mary, as if to say, "What do you think?" He jumped onto a tree and sang a loud, lovely song.

  Now, Mary Lennox had heard a lot about magic from her Indian Ayi"s stories. In later years, Mary always said that what happened to her at this very moment was magic.

  The wind began to blow suddenly. The wind was strong enough to blow the branches of the thick, green vines that covered the walls of the secret garden. Mary, who had stepped close to the robin, suddenly jumped out and caught the vines in her hand. She had seen something.

  The secret garden
  • 哆啦A梦


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