The secret garden — Chapter Five The strange cry


  "It tastes nice today," said Mary. She felt a little surprised herself.

  "It"s the fish air that"s giving you an appetite. You"re lucky you have food, now that you"re hungry. There"s twelve children in our house, who are hungry but don"t have much food. Keep on playing outside every day. You"ll gain some weight and you won"t be so thin and yellow."

  "I don"t play," said Mary. "I have no toys to play with."

  "Of course you do!" said Martha. "Our children play with sticks and stones. They just run around and shout and look at things."

  Mary didn"t run and shout, but she Looked at things. She walked around the gardens and the other places on the property. Sometimes she looked for Ben Weatherstaff, but he was often busy with his gardening work. Either that, or he was just too cross.

  There was one place Mary went to more often than any other. It was a path outside the walled gardens. There were thick vines on the walls. Mary noticed that in one area, the vines were especially thick, as if no one had cut them for a long time. A few days after she talked to Ben Weatherstaff, Mary had noticed this. She wondered why this was. Suddenly she heard the sound of a bird. She looked up. The robin was sitting on top of the wall, looking at her.

  The secret garden
  • 哆啦A梦


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