The secret garden — Chapter Five The strange cry


  Mary didn"t ask any more questions. At that moment, a good thing was happening to her. She was thinking about this sad story, and she realized that she did feel sorry for her uncle. He hadn"t had a very happy life.

  The wind was very loud, but suddenly Mary thought that she heard something else, besides the wind. It sounded just like a child crying. Mary knew that sometimes the wind made a sound like someone crying. But as she listened to the sound, she felt sure that it came from inside the house, not outside.

  "Do you hear anyone crying?" Mary asked Martha.

  Martha looked uncomfortable. "It"s just the wind," she said. "The wind makes that sound It"s nothing."

  Someone must have left a window open in the house. But at that moment, the door to Mary"s sitting room opened with a loud noise. Mary could hear the crying quite loudly now. It sounded just like a child! "There! Don"t you hear?" she said.

  Martha ran to close the door. "It was the wind," she said. "Or maybe it"s Betty, one of the maids. She"s had a toothache all day." She didn"t look at Mary.

  Mary stared at Martha. She did not believe that she was telling the truth.

  The secret garden
  • 哆啦A梦


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