

  /I /

  1 I'm finished. It's very good. It was delicious.

  2 The food here is terrific. I love it. It's out of this world.

  3 I've just finished reading this book. It's very good.

  4 Please give me a minute. Let me think about this.

  5 I need to discuss it with my superior.

  6 Chinese food is very different from Japanese food.

  7 It's not very difficult. It's very easy.

  8 This pink one is very pretty.

  9 It's a little bit too big.

  10 I'm sick of this weather.

  I'm sick of this traffic.

  I'm sick of my job.

  I'm sick of my poor English.

  I'm sick of waiting.

  I'm sick of you.

  I'm sick of your complaining.

  I'm sick of nagging

  I'm sick of ...


  Does it fit?

  Yes. it fits, but it isn't pretty.

  This pink one is pretty, but it's a little bit too big.

  well, this silk one isn't big.It will fit you.

  No, but it's a little freely.( too much at the edges )

  Ladies and gentlemen, Today I want to talk about the differences between Chinese and English. English is very different from Chinese. The sounds are different, The grammer is different, and the writing is totally different. It's very difficult to speak English well. If you want to speak English well, you must forget about the differences, just practice correct sentences until you're used to them. The more sentences you can blurt out, the better you can express yourself. If you believe in yourself and practice crazily every day, you will make it, you will conquor English. Chinese is the most difficult language in the world. If you can speak Chinese, you can speak English.

  • 哆啦A梦


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