
1已有 1362 次阅读  2013-11-20 12:43
剧本名:The three little pigs
地点:in the forest
人物:three little pigs, the big bad wolf , the mother pig , two birds
Scene 1
旁白:Once upon a time there were three little pigs called Tom, Dick and Harry.(三只小猪在两只小鸟的引导下入场,大跳改编过的猪式“骑马舞”)
Tom: I’m Tom. I like singing. (You and me ,后面哼哼,两只小鸟伴舞)
DickI’m Dick. I like dancing. (跳一段杰克逊的舞,两只小鸟伴舞)
Harry: I’m Harry. I like reading. (拿出挂在衣服上的无框眼镜,故作老成状读书,两只小鸟看他阅读).
旁白:Their  mother sent  them into the big , wide world to seek their fortunes.
猪妈妈招手让三只小猪过来: Good boys, come here.(这时三幢房子慢慢移到了舞台上)
三只小猪前仆后继的跑向猪妈妈:OK, OK, Mum, I’m coming.
猪妈妈告诉三只小猪:You have grown up. You need your own houses. Please build it by yourselves. Be careful. Goodbye, my children!
Scene 2
旁白:Along the way the first little pig, Tom , found some straw. He decided to build a house with the straw.
Tom 一边跳舞一边发现了一些稻草,惊喜的捡起 :Oh, straw, I can build my house with the straw.( 边跳边用夸张的动作来表现) I’m lucky, I’m lucky, I’m lucky. (用不同的语调来说,两只小鸟配合Tom来表演)
旁白:The second little pig, Dick, had found some sticks. He decided to build a house with the sticks.
Dick一边跳舞一边寻找造房子的材料,突然发现了木板: Sticks, sticks ,I like you . You’ll be my new house. (拿起木板亲一下,两只小鸟和Dick一起跳舞。)
旁白:The third little pig , Harry , had found some bricks. He decided to build a house with the bricks.
Harry 一边看书一边寻找,发现砖块,然后搬起砖块对敲 :Let me make the house with the bricks. It’s strong, I think.(两只小鸟和他一起建房子)
Scene 3
旁白:There was a big bad wolf in the forest. He was very hungry.
大灰狼寻寻觅觅的出场:I’m the big bad wolf. I’m very hungry. I’m looking for the food. 假装到处找食物。
旁白:Tom noticed the big bad wolf lurking about outside the house. Tom was really scared and decided to hide somewhere in the house.
Tom: Oh, the big bad wolf is coming. 转着圈没有注意的说:What can I do? What can I do? 最后把头钻在桌子底下,用害怕的发抖的声音说:Let me hide under the chair. It’s safety.
The wolf suddenly shouted Little pig, little pig , let me come in .
The little pig replied No, no, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!
大灰狼凶狠地说:Well. I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.
旁白:So he huffed and he puffed and he blew down the little straw house. The little pig was so frightened he ran away as quickly as he could to the second little pig’s house.
Tom 连滚带爬的逃跑,边跑边说:help, help, Dick.
DickWhat’s the matter, Tom
Tom: Dick, the big bad wolf is coming . He is very very very hungry. Let’s hide at once.两只小猪害怕的抱成一团
Dick用颤抖的声音说:OK. Let’s hide behind the boxes.  
TomThat’s right , Dick , Well done.嘿嘿嘿.
大灰狼大声叫嚷:Little pigs , little pigs , let me come in !
Tom & DickNo, no not by the hair on our chinny chin chins!
大灰狼凶狠地说:Well. I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.
旁白: So he huffed and he puffed and he blew down the little stick house. Tom and Dick were so frighten that they ran away as quickly as they could to the third little pig’s house.
Tom&Dick边跑边说:Let’s run fast, the big bad wolf is coming.滑稽的连滚带爬跑向第三只小猪
Tom&DickHarry , Harry, help ,help .The wolf is coming .
Harry招手让他们过去 : Come here. Let’s close the window and the door. (做关门关窗的动作)
大灰狼穷凶极恶的追赶,最后都没有追到,气急败坏的大叫:Little pigs , little pigs , let me come in !
三只小猪回答: No, no not by the hair on our chinny chin chins!
大灰狼凶狠地说:Well. I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.
Harry smugly shouted Try your luck , you big , bad bully. Harry 双手叉腰带点讥讽的语气说。
TomLet’s hide under the table , the big bad wolf is terrible.
Dick附和:OK, OK, let’s be quick , 嘿嘿嘿
旁白:The big bad wolf huffed and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed until he ran out of huff and ran out of puff!
大灰狼使劲的吹,吹得都要趴到地上了,呼吸也只有出气没有进气了。旁白: Try as he might the big , bad wolf couldn’t blow the house down. The three little pigs were very happy . But how were they going to get rid of the wolf?
Harry招招手:Come here.
Tom&DickOK. OK. OK.
HarryTomDick耳语一番:I know. Let’s see if we can blow the big , bad wolf away!
旁白:So they opened the window, took a deep breath and huffed and puffed as hard as they could, blowing the big , bad wolf far , far away!
三只小猪开心的一起说:Goodbyethe big bad wolf, your mother asks you to have dinner.  
大灰狼一边被吹跑一边不服气的说:I’ll come back again.
旁白: Tom , Dick and Harry , they lived happily ever after in their house made of bricks. Tom唱歌,Dick跳舞,Harry看书)
三只小猪大跳骑马舞,音乐结尾三只小猪牵手说:No pain no gain. Union is power. 最后,所有表演者牵手说:No pain no gain. Union is power. Thank you. 谢幕。
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