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epilogue ['epilɔg]
结语, 尾声, [戏]收场白
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背单词 epilogue
单词 epilogue 网络释义
单词 epilogue 其它相关
n. 结语,尾声,收场白
n. 1> a. A short poem or speech spoken directly to the audience following the conclusion of a play. b. The performer who delivers such a short poem or speech.
  2> A short addition or concluding section at the end of a literary work, often dealing with the future of its characters. In this sense, also called afterword.
The audience was so disappointed in the play that many did not remain to hear the epilogue.
dialogue n. 对话
dialogist n. 问答者,对话者,对话体的作者
eulogy n. 颂词,颂文
eulogize vt. 称赞,颂扬
apology n. 赔罪,辩解
apologize vi.道歉,谢罪,认错
prologue n. 开场白,序幕
epilogue n. 收场白,尾声
monologue n.独白,个人长篇演说
monologist n.独白者; 独演者
pseudology n. 谎话; 虚言
neologism n.新字,新义
neologize vi. 创造新语,使用新语,采用新教义
antilogy n. 前后矛盾
dyslogy n. 非难; 非议; 贬抑
logic n. 逻辑
logical a.逻辑的,逻辑“或”
illogical a.不合逻辑的
philologist n. 语言学者,文献学者
philology n.语文学,语言学
logically adv.有逻辑地
analogy n.相似,类似;比拟
analogue n. 类似物,相似体
analogous adj. 类似的
apologetic adj 道歉的,歉意的
catalogue n.目录
doxology n. 上帝赞美诗,颂歌,颂荣
trilogy n. 三部曲
tautology n. 同义反复,重复
loquacity n. 好辩,多嘴,喧噪
loquacious adj.多嘴的,饶舌的
eloquent adj. 雄辩的,演说动人的
eloquence n.雄辩,口才
colloquy n. 谈话,会话,自由讨论
colloquial a. 白话的,口语的,语体的
colloquialism n.口语体,会话体
magniloquent adj. 夸张的
soliloquy n. 自言自语,独白
obloquy n. 大骂,斥责,坏名声
somniloquy n. 说梦话
同义词:finalsection, concludingaddition, termination, completion, close, finish, end, climax, addendum, rider, afterword.
反义词:prologue, preface, forward, preamble, introduction, preclusion, preliminary, prelude, overture, curtainraiser, opener, fugue, toccata.
单词 epilogue 其它例句
- Fortinbras speaks the epilogue in Shakespeare's Hamlet'.
  在莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》中, 由福丁布拉斯念收场白.
- An actor in Elizabethan drama who recites the prologue and epilogue to a play and sometimes comments on the action.
- this is our relationships epilogue weve done