威尼斯商人 The Merchant of Venice — part 5


  The merchant of Venice — part 5


  威尼斯商人 The Merchant of Venice — part 5

  When Sherlock was about to cut Antonio with his knife. Posha stopped him. “Wait a moment, Sherlock.” she said, “I have something else to say. You may have a pound of Antonio’s fresh but according to this ban you can not have his blood. If you sharp out a drop of his blood you will lose everything. That is the law of Venice.” Sherlock was so surprised that he stayed still for a moment. “Is that the law?” he asked. “Oh wise young judge,” cried Vetanio. Sherlock remembered that Barshanio had offered to pay back the money. So he said to Barshanio, “then I accepted the money. Give me three times as much as Antonio’s borrowed from me.” “Here is the money.” said Barshanio. But Posha was not allowed this. “Wait, Sherlock, you said you will not take the money just a few minutes ago. What you wanted was only a pound of flesh. That is all you can take now.”

  Sherlock turned to leave the court. “Wait,” she said, “by the law of Venice, if anyone tries to kill one of the people of Venice, everything that he owned just taken away from him. Half of his money is given to the state, and the other half is given to the person who he is tried to kill. Your life is at the mercy of the duke. Kneel in front of him and ask for mercy.” The duke was not as cruel as Sherlock. “Sherlock,” said the duke, “I will not take your life. But half of your money is Antonio’s. And you must give the other half to the city of Venice.” When Sherlock heard this he cried, “I am as good as dead. My money is dear to me as my life.” But Antonio was quite different from Sherlock. He was common enough to have mercy on Sherlock. “I will not take my part of Sherlock’s money. But I want him to become a Christian.” Then Sherlock had promised the duo that Jessica his daughter and Leranzul her husband should received all Sherlock’s money when he died. Not long before this, Jessica had ran away from her father and married Leranzoul. Sherlock had said he will not leave his daughter any money when he died. And he will never forgive her and her husband. Sherlock promised the duke to take back what he had said before. Sherlock now realized that he has to obey Posha and Antonio. “I am very ill,” he cried, “let me go home.” The duke allowed him to leave the court and he set Antonio free. “That’s the trial ended.” The duke thanks for Posha for everything she had done. He invited her to his house to have dinner with him. But Posha replied she had to return quickly. During the trial no one not even Barshanio notice that the wise young judge was really Posha.

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