傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice 4 - Chapter 2 A Young Man of Proud Manners


  傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice 4


  A Young Man of Proud Manners

  傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice 4 - Chapter 2 A Young Man of Proud Manners

  Still, the whole evening passed very pleasantly enough for the rest of the family. Mrs. Bennet was happy because her eldest daughter Jane was much admired by the Netherfield party. Mary had heard herself mentioned as the most educated girl in the neighborhood; and Kitty and Lydia were always dancing with partners through the evening. Because of this, they returned home to Longbourn in good and happy spirits.

  "Oh, my dear Mr. Bennet," cried his wife as she entered the room, "What a delightful evening! Jane was so admired. Mr. Bingley said she was quite beautiful. She was the only lady in the room that he danced with twice!”

  Mrs. Bennet then told him about how rude, proud and hurtful Mr. Darcy had been. "I wish you had been there to give him a piece of your mind!"

  It was easy, during the next few weeks, for Elizabeth to know that Mr. Charles Bingley was becoming very fond of Jane. Jane, for her part, returned his warm feelings. Because she was busy watching Mr. Bingley pay attention to her sister, Elizabeth was too busy to guess that she was receiving the attention of Mr. Darcy. Though he had looked at her without any feeling at the dance, he began to notice the beautiful expression of her dark eyes. They made her face seem uncommonly intelligent. He was also forced to admit that her figure was both light and attractive. Her easy and playful manner was also attractive. But Elizabeth remained unaware.

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