高中三年级英语(人教版)全一册 Unit 7 Integrating Skills 2


  Lucie brought her father to England. On the boat, she met Charles Darnay. Darnay, 30 years old, worked in London as a teacher of French. He had left France because he hated the cruel deeds of his family, the St Evremondes, and the way they treated the peasants. He gave up his fortune and tried to forget his roots. When Darnay met Lucie, they fell in love. Meanwhile Sydney Carton, one of Darnay's friends also loved Lucie. Strangely the two men looked so much alike that people thought they were twins. Carton, whose life was a failure, knew he could not marry Lucie. He promised that as a friend he would do anything for her. Lucie married Darnay the following year and they lived a happy life in London.

  Several years later, in 1792, Darnay received a letter from a former servant of the Evremondes, asking him for help. Dar.nay, who had been avoiding France for fear of what might happen to him there because of his background, realised that he must go. A revolution had taken place. The peasants were killing many belonging to the old order. Upon arrival, Darnay was immediately arrested as an enemy of the people and thrown into prison. He tried to explain that he was not like his uncle and father, saying he was on the peasants' side and wanted to help them. Dr Manette tried to use his influence to save him, but Ernest Defarge produced a paper and read it to the court. It was an account, written by Dr Manette in the tenth year of his stay in prison, about the bad behaviour of Darnay's uncle. He hid it in a chimney and had forgotten all about it. In the letter Dr Manette said that all members of the St Evremondes must answer for the wrongs done to the peasant boy and girl. The court found Darnay guilty and sentenced him to death for things his family had done.

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