高中三年级英语(人教版)全一册 Unit 4 Integrating Skills 2


  Some clubs have a long history, and many started at schools with the help of a biology teacher. Natural history societies with a long history often have a good library and modern equipment to explore nature. They publish their own magazines, in which they report their observations and research. Even some nature clubs run by students aged .between 12 and 25, are able to reach very high scientific standards. This is exactly why their contribution is so valuable. While governments, universities and research institutes only have a limited budget to do fieldwork, people whose hobby it is to study botany can devote a great deal of money and time to it.

  Botany is very suitable as a hobby. Besides a good Flora, very little special equipment is needed. The most important things are a magnifying glass (at least 8x), a short ruler, a pen and a notebook. A Flora is a special book to identify plants. The Flora of the British Isles, for example, is a book that describes all plants that are native to the British Isles. It is usually possible to find the name of a plant in about ten minutes, especially for people who are experienced at working with a Flora. To find the name of a plant species it is often necessary to have a close look and count the male and female organs in the flowers. To see this clearly, a magnifying glass is essential. Flowers are not always needed to identify the plant. Once the name has been found, it is important to make notes of the exact place where and the date when the plant was found.

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