The secret garden — Chapter Eighteen Coming alive (上)


  "Very," said Mary. "Everyone thought they had to do what you wanted, because they thought you were going to die. Everyone felt sorry for you, but they also didn"t like you. You were awful to be with."

  "I don"t want people to feel sorry for me," said Colin. "I won"t let people feel sorry for me. I stood up and walked this afternoon."

  "It"s always having your own way, that’s made you so rude and strange," said Mary honestly. Colin looked a little upset. "But don"t worry," she continued. "I"m very strange, too. So is Ben Weatherstaff. I was much stranger before I began to like people, and before I found the garden."

  Colin looked serious. "I don"t want to be poor, or strange," he said. "I am not going to be."

  Soon he began to smile. "I"ll stop being strange, if I go to the garden every day," he said. "There"s magic there, Mary. I know it! It will make me well."

  And in the next few months, it seemed that there really was magic in the garden. Every day, Colin was in the garden with Mary and Dickon. Often Ben Weatherstaff would come and help them care for their plants. The amazing things that happened in that garden! It seemed that the flowers would never stop growing. There were so many kinds of flowers, you could hardly count them all. And the roses! They grew until there were a thousand of them in the garden. There were mountains of roses. They grew around the tree trunks, over the stone benches, and everywhere. The air was filled with their scent. Ben Weatherstaff planted many special flowers that Colin"s mother had loved.

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  The secret garden
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