The secret garden — Chapter Twelve Meeting Uncle Archibald


  "I never knew about them in India. In India I was too hot and tired all the time. But here, it is different," said Mary.

  Her uncle"s sad eyes were kind as he looked at her. "You may have as much land as you like. You remind me of someone else who loved gardens, and things that grow. When you see a piece of land you want, take it, child, and make it come alive."

  "May I take it from anywhere, if no one wants it?"

  "Anywhere," he said. "Now you must go, I am tired." He rang a bell, to call Mrs. Medlock. When Mrs. Medlock came, he said, "Mrs. Medlock, I have decided that the child should not begin lessons right now. Let her play outside as much as she wants. Give her simple, healthy food. Don"t watch her too closely," he said.

  Mrs. Medlock was secretly happy. She hadn"t wanted a little girl to take care of, and had seen Mary as little as possible. "Thank you, sir. I understand," she said.

  "Take Miss Mary away now." said Mr. Craven.

  They went back to Mary"s room, where Mary was left alone with Martha. "Martha, I can have a garden!" she cried. "And I don"t have to have a teacher for a long time. He spoke with your mother and she said I shouldn"t. I can do what I want. I can go to your mother"s house and she may come see me!"

  The secret garden
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