The secret garden — Chapter Ten Dickon


  He explained to Mary how to water the seeds, and what they would look like when they became flowers. "Listen," he said suddenly. "I"ll plant them for you myself. Where"s your garden?"

  Mary"s face turned red, then white. She hadn"t thought of this before. How could she tell Dickon about the secret garden? She didn"t know what to say.

  Dickon saw her reaction. "Haven"t you got a garden yet?" he asked. "Wouldn"t they give you a little one?"

  Mary"s eyes were huge, as she looked at him. "I don"t know anything about boys," she said slowly. "If I tell you a very big secret, will you promise not to tell? If anyone else found out...I think I would die!" she said, almost angrily.

  But Dickon just smiled. "I keep secrets all the time," he said. "If I couldn"t keep secrets from the other boys about animal" nests and things, then no animal on the moor would be safe. Yes, I can keep secrets."

  "I"ve...I"ve stolen a garden," whispered Mary. "It"s an old garden, more than ten years old. Nobody wants it – they never enter it. Perhaps everything in it is dead, I don"t know – but I don"t care, I don"t! I have nothing here – nothing belongs to me. I found it myself. No one has the fight to take it away from me when I love it and they don"t. They"re letting it die, all alone," she said, and burst into tears.

  The secret garden
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