The secret garden — Chapter Six There was someone crying


  Unfortunately, Mary didn"t remember the way back. She walked through a few halls with many doors and went up and down stairs. Most of the doors were locked. "I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere," she thought. It was so quiet!

  Mary came to the end of a passage. There was a beautiful, thick curtain covering hanging on the wall at the passage"s end. "Now where do I go?" thought Mary. It was just at this moment that she heard a sound like someone crying. Curious, she put her hand on the curtain, and it moved. Mary was surprised to see that the curtain covered a door, which had opened. The passage continued on the other side. Mary saw Mrs.Medlock walking towards her with some keys in her hand. Suddenly she saw Mary.

  "What are you doing here?" she said to Mary angrily. "What did I tell you about wandering around the house?"

  "I was going back to my room but I got lost," said Mary. "Then I heard someone crying."

  Mrs.Medlock looked even angrier. "You didn"t hear anyone crying!" she said. She pulled and pushed Mary down the hall, around the corner, and back to her own room. "Now, you stay where you"re told to stay. Otherwise, you"ll be locked up. Master Craven had better find you a teacher. You need someone to watch you! I have enough to do already!"

  The secret garden
  • 哆啦A梦


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