高中三年级英语(人教版)全一册 Unit 6 Integrating Skills 1


  W: On January 21, a man came to my grandfather asking him for help. His children were very sick. The mother thought they had the flu, because their throats had become red and painful. Their temperatures were very high, and their breathing shallow. The following day they died.

  R: What sickness was it?

  W: A few days later he discovered that several children were sick. They all had diphtheria, a disease that spreads very fast. If untreated, it would produce a powerful poison that would kill the patient. Dr Welch had enough vaccine for perhaps five people. The only way to prevent a catastrophe wag to get more as quickly as possible.

  R: Where could they get it?

  P: There was widespread relief when it was discovered that a hospital in Anchorage had a good supply of 300,000 units. But the question was how to deliver it to Nome fast.

  R: Was that a problem?

  W: In 1925, nothing got to Nome quickly. The sea was frozen, while the only two planes had been stored.

  R: So, what was to be done?

  P: The only way would be a relay of dog teams over the 674 miles between Nenana and Nome. Twenty drivers would carry the vaccine in a relay race. The Arctic winter is very cold, but these were all tough men. Each team covered a distance of 18 to 53 miles. Every minute counted. It was thought that the trip could take up to 13 days to complete.


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