高中三年级英语(人教版)全一册 Unit 6 Integrating Skills 1


  R: How was the vaccine brought to Nenana?

  W: The doctor in Anchorage wrapped the medicine in a quilt and tied it up. A train took the packet from Anchorage to Nenana.

  R: So the real race against time started frown Nenana, right?

  P: Yes. We could only pray that the medicine would arrive on time. Eighteen drivers rode day and night for five days through snow storms and the temperature was more than 30 degrees below zero. The last driver faced a terrible storm, but he knew that lives were at stake. Reaching the end of his trip, he found the next driver asleep. Time would be lost waking him. Twenty-one miles away people were dying, so he kept going.

  R: Did he get there on time?

  P: He did, but when the team arrived before dawn, there was no one to greet them -- almost the whole town was sleeping. But relief soon spread through Nome like the golden rays of the dawn itself. The dogs were so tired that they could not even bark. The children of Nome were saved !

  W: Yes! The drivers had covered almost 700 miles in a little more than 127 hours. But the real heroes should not be forgotten. In December that year a bronze sculpture of a dog was placed in New York City's Central Park: a memorial to all who risked their lives to save those of others.

  高中三年级英语(人教版)全一册 Unit 6 Integrating Skills 1

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