普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语选修9 Unit 3 Reading


  Go by plane and see clouds

  Go by TRAIN and see Australia

  普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语选修9 Unit 3 Reading

  Enjoy 3 nights on board the Indian-Pacific

  On this 4,352-km journey from Sydney to Perth via Adelaide you'll view some ot Australias unique scenery from the superb Blue Mountains to the treeless plains of the Nuliarbor. Along the way you will spot a fascinating variety of wildlife.

  Enjoy 2 nights on board the Ghan

  As you travel from Adelaide to Darwin via Alice Springs, you'll observe some of Australia's

  most spectacular landscapes - from the rolling hills surrounding Adelaide to the rusty reds of

  Australia's centre and the tropical splendour of Darwin.

  For more information, timetables and fares go to www.gsr.com.au/trains.htm

  Dear Shen Ping,

  I wish you could see this amazing rock. It is part of one of Australia's 14 Worm Heritage Sites and

  rises about 335 metres out of a vast, flat sandy plain. A t different times of the day it appears to

  change co/our, from grey-red at sunrise, to golden and finally to burning red at dusk. Aboriginal people have lived near Uluru for thousands of years and yout can walk around it with an Aboriainal guide to learn about their customs, art, religion and day-to-day life. It is also possible to climb the rock, but most people don't do this out of respect for the Aboriginal people who consider the rock to be sacred. I’ll be back in Sydney in a fortnight because I've made a reservation on the Indian Pacific train to Perth.

  • 哆啦A梦


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