普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语选修9 Unit 2 Reading task


  普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语选修9 Unit 2 Reading task


  On the second evening Sindbad's friends were eager to hear his second adventure. "Tell us," they said, "of more wonders that you have seen!" So Sindbad began describing his second adventure.

  "For many years I was happy, but as time passed I longed to visit distant lands and cities again.So having purchased some goods, I set out again in a new ship with a strong crew. Aided by a favourable wind we sailed for many days selling goods and buying more. At last we arrived at an island unknown to us all. It had trees covered with delicious fruit as well as many beautiful flowers.The birds sang in the trees and rivers flowed quietly by. We left the ship and I wandered off on my own through some grasslands and sat down by a stream. It was so peaceful and warm that I presently fell asleep.

  I cannot tell how long I slept but when I awoke the ship had gone. Seeing the ship disappearing into the distance, I threw myself down on the sand and cried bitterly. At last realizing that this was hopeless, I climbed the tallest tree to examine my unknown island home. From its top I looked in all directions. Suddenly I noticed something extremely tall, round and white in the centre of the island, and I knew I must discover what the shape was. So I set off. As I drew near I found to my astonishment that the object had no entrance.The surface was also so smooth and slippery that it was impossible to climb. Yet it was tall enough to be a building so I was confused. As I walked round it I counted my steps - there were fifty altogether. But the mystery solved itself when an enormous bird appeared out of the sky. This bird settled on the white object covering it completely - so I quickly guessed that it must be an egg of some sort.


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