普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语选修9 Unit 2 Reading task


  Terrified, I hid behind a tree. But at the same moment I realized that perhaps the bird could help me escape from the island. So I quickly took the rope tied round my waist and attached it to the bird's leg. I told myself that perhaps it would carry me away from this lonely island to a civilized land. In any case, I argued in my head, that wherever I was taken must be better than where I was now.

  I lay awake all night fearing to sleep in case the bird flew away while I slept. At daybreak the bird rose into tlae sky carrying me with it. I clung fast to the rope, too frightened to look down. At last we came to rest on the top of a high hill. Quickly untying myself I looked around me. There seemed to be nothing but long sticks. But as I looked I saw the bird pick up one of these long objects and disappear back uo into the sky. Looking up, I saw the object move and understood at once that it must be a large snake. So being careful where I walked, I ran down the hillside into a dark valley. There I sat down and cried bitterly for the second time. At last when I could cry no more I looked about me. Surprisingly the ground was shining. This seemed strange but as I examined the rocks more closely I saw that they were large diamonds. They were so perfect that they made the whole valley glitter in the sun. Choosing the largest diamonds with care, I filled my pockets with as many as I could.

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