学习音标/a:r /的发音第11讲


  1 You're so smart.You're so charming.

  2 I want to be an English speaking star. I want to speak amazing English.

  3 It's getting harder and harder to live without a car. I really want to buy a car.

  4 Would you like to come to my party? I really want to come.

  5 My English is far from perfect. I have a hard time with my pronunciation.

  6 We must stop harming the environment. We have to work harder to take care of the earth.

  7 I don't have any cash with me. Can I pay by credit card?

  8 You're not allowed to park your car here. You can park in the parking lot over here.

  9 You have a very charming personality. I'm sure you'll go far in your life.

  10 Please pardon me for interrupting you. I'm sorry to bother you.


  You must be very smart. Your English is perfect.

  超级挑战 我要改变我的生活

  I work extremely hard every day, but I'm very tired. I need to work smarter , not harder. I must find a better way to do my job. I must find time to enjoy life. I know hard work is a part of everybody's life. But I work too hard. My hard work goes too far.My hard work in ruining my health, my hard work is killing me, other people have time for fun, going to bars and going to the parties. All I do is getting into my car and go to work every day. This life is too hard. I need to make a fresh start.

  • 哆啦A梦


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