威尼斯商人 The Merchant of Venice — part 2


  The next man was a Spanish prince. He chose the silver box. On the box were these words. The man who chooses me will get as much as he ought to get. He was very proud and said. I am a great man so I ought to get what I desire. He took the key and opened the box. He didn’t find the beautiful picture of Posha. But a picture of fool’s head and a piece of paper it said, there are many fools covered in silver. The prince was disappointed and also went away.

  Then Posha’s servant Nuisha came to her and said: “a young man from Venice is coming to see you.” This young man was of course Bashanio. He reached Posha’s house in Belmont with his friend called Vatanio. Vatanio and Nuisha loved each other. Posha was very glad to meet Barshanio. She loved Barshanio and wish to marry him. She feared that he will choose the wrong box. She wanted to tell him which box to open. But she disprized her feelings. Posha ased Barshnio waited there two weeks before he chose. Because she wanted to be together with him for some time. But Barshanio said let me choose now. So Posha had to show the three boxes to him. Barshanio looked at the boxes and thought for a long time. Finally he decided. Gold and silver are surely beautiful outside, but they are not always beautiful inside. On the other hand, plain lead does not to pretend to be better than it is. So I would choose lead, said Barshanio. On the lead box was written, the man who chose me must give everything he has. He opened and found a beautiful picture of Posha. And a piece of paper in the box it said. If you are pleased with this, turn to the lady and kiss her. Barshanio turned to Posha and said: “ Dear lady will you be mind?” Then Posha took a ring of her finger and give it to Barshanio. “Take this ring,” she said,“When you lose it or give it away, our love will end”. Barshanio received the ring and joy in the light. He promised never to lose it or give it away.

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