新东方英语口语900句 Lesson 04: Identifying Objects


  B: I looked for but could not find it.

  A: Isn't this black cap yours?

  B: This is not mine. Mine is blue. This might be Michael's.

  A: You must have left it in your classroom.

  B: I'll go have a look. Mum, where is my overcoat?

  A: Ted, it's on your bed. Look, your room is a mess!

  Number two: At the lost-and-found office of a hotel.

  A: Good morning, Sir?

  B: Good morning, Miss! I'm worried because I have lost my suitcase this morning.

  A: Where did you lose it?

  B: I still had it when I got off the taxi. And I then just couldn't remember where I misplaced it.

  A: Can you describe it?

  B: Sure, it is brown medium size suitcase on wheels.

  A: M..., I'm afraid we've got nothing like that, sorry.

  B: Oh, I made a mistake. I carried the black one today. It must be very like because there is nothing but a kazoo in it.

  A: A "kazoo"?

  B: Well, a kazoo is a sort of toy music instrument like a flute. I will play it night at the Halloween parade.

  A: Let me see. Yeh, we do have a black suitcase. Do you have the key?

  (The customer hands over the key, and the clerk opens the suitcase.)

  • 哆啦A梦


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