新东方摘取梦想的启明星 15 A time to awake


  Our dreams simply don"t come true because we keep on sleeping after dreaming. We don"t wake up, get out of bed, and do something about it. The best dreams come to pass when you are awake.

  Sometimes we actually wake up and take one giant leap for mankind. Then we plummet back to earth, lick our wounds, and convince ourselves that it is not feasible, and promptly go back to sleep. Sometime we give it a second or third shot, before we say goodbye and return to status quo avenue. Well, we give our best shot?

  The only way our dreams can come true is when we start doing something about it. Start with a baby step, one tiny step after another. With time, you will be amazed by how far you had gone. The more steps you take in the direction of your dreams, the bolder you become. Soon you start seeing shafts of light at the end of the tunnel. The closer you get, the more feasible it becomes. Gradually, your fears begin to ebb away. Taking the first step is a scary business. You can determine the magnitude and direction of that first step. Some folks grab the bull by the horn, quit their day job, and go for it. Others keep their day jobs, and moonlight at sun down, till they get to the point they can comfortably fire their boss. For others still, it means a change of career.

  Whichever route you take to the land of your dreams, the starting point is waking up, and doing something. Then keep on keeping on. It is only a matter of time. You will get there?

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