傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice 16 - Chapter 8 A Clergyman at Home


  傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice 16


  A Clergyman at Home

  傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice 16 - Chapter 8 A Clergyman at Home

  In March, Elizabeth was set to accompany Sir William and his second daughter, Maria, to Hunsford. She began to look forward to the journey. She would be able to see Jane, as she was going to spend a night at the Gardiners' house in Gracechurch Street in London.

  The journey to London was only twenty-four miles, and they began early so as to arrive by noon. Elizabeth was pleased to see that Jane was looking as healthy and lovely as ever. The day passed most pleasantly, the afternoon was spent shopping, and the evening at the theatre.

  Later that night, Elizabeth's uncle and aunt invited her to accompany them m the Lake District in the summer. She readily and gratefully accepted.

  The next day, when they left the main road for the road to Hunsford, they came upon the home of Lady Catherine de Bourgh.

  The church's house also soon came into sight. The house had green windows and rows of bushes along the garden. Mr. Collins and Charlotte appeared at the door. Soon they were all out in the garden, celebrating the sight of one another. Mrs. Collins welcomed Elizabeth warmly, and Elizabeth was glad at having come. She noted immediately that her cousin's manners were not changed, even after his marriage. When he talked about the good build of his house, all its history and its furniture, she felt that he spoke particularly to her. It appeared that he wished to make her feel she had lost much in refusing his offer. She wondered how it was possible that her friend could be so cheerful with such a proud husband.


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