美文赏析 当今改善我们生活的四种途径 Four foolproof ways to improve our lives, today


  However, achieving this vision might have been possible even if I had continued doing the one-man-band act. Some roads, after all, do lead to the same destination-they just take longer to arrive there. My position on our decisions is to just make them and don't look back. Why have regrets? Regret doesn't help us with where we are today. Nor does it help us with where we are going. What does help is to make a decision, and move on, and be satisfied that is was right, no matter what we did.

  Second, do the hardest things first.

  I know that when I do the hard things first that my life seems so easy I wonder how it could have been any other way. Just doing the easy things caused our life to become cluttered. We might as well face our challenges head-on and then cruise through the easy part.

  Third, allow myself to feel emotions.

  When I'm happy, I like being happy and laughing. If I get angry, I gave myself permission to scream or break something. Go ahead, really, it is okay to feel!

  I once heard Kevin Ryerson say, " I believe we were supposed to have emotions. Such as joy, anger, happiness, sorrow. As the Old Testament said, "I am a loving God, I am a jealous God, I am an angry God, etc."--if it is good enough for God, it is good enough for me! When we allow ourselves to feel, yet remain "aware" of what we are doing or saying, we enable ourselves to become fully human.

  • 哆啦A梦


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