美国总统电台演说 2008-05-17


  美国总统电台演说 2008-05-17

  美国总统电台演说 2008-05-17

  Prepared Remarks of President

  George Walker Bush

  Weekly Address

  Saturday, May 17, 2008

  THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I'm speaking to you from the Middle East, where Laura and I are on a trip to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt.

  When Air Force One touched down at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, I was greeted by Israel's President and Prime Minister. I joined them in celebrating an historic milestone: Israel's 60th anniversary as an independent nation. And I assured them that Israel could count on America as a strong and steady ally long into the future.

  During our visit I had conversations with Israel's leaders about their efforts to forge peace with the Palestinians, and our shared belief that a peace agreement is possible this year. I also had the opportunity to address members of the Knesset, Israel's elected legislature. I reminded these democratic leaders that America was the first nation in the world to recognize Israel's independence. I told them that 60 years later, America is proud to be Israel's best friend in the world. I reaffirmed the principles that make our alliance strong: a love of liberty, a devotion to justice, and a respect for human dignity. And I said that standing firm on these ideals is the surest way to defeat the extremists and build a future of peace for people throughout the Middle East.

  • 哆啦A梦


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