美国总统电台演说 2009-06-13


  We cannot continue down this path. I do not accept a future where Americans forego health care because they can't pay for it, and more and more families go without coverage at all. And I don't accept a future where American business is hurt and our government goes broke. We have a responsibility to act, and to act now. That is why I'm working with Congress to pass reform that lowers costs, improves quality and coverage, and protects consumer health care choices.

  I know some question whether we can afford to act this year. But the unmistakable truth is that it would be irresponsible to not act. We can't keep shifting a growing burden to future generations. With each passing year, health care costs consume a larger share of our nation's spending, and contribute to yawning deficits that we cannot control. So let me be clear: health care reform is not part of the problem when it comes to our fiscal future, it is a fundamental part of the solution.

  Real reform will mean reductions in our long term budget. And I have made a firm commitment that health care reform will not add to the federal deficit over the next decade. To keep that commitment, my Administration has already identified how to pay for the historic $635 billion down payment on reform detailed in our budget. This includes over $300 billion that we will save through changes like reducing Medicare overpayments to private insurers, and rooting out waste in Medicare and Medicaid.


  • 哆啦A梦


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